pátek 23. srpna 2019

Pion 2s7

Sis its GRAU designation. It was designed to fire nuclear and chemical projectiles. SPION Peony A Soviet self-propelled gun on a tracked chassis with a gun calibre of 203.

Km when using normal ammunition. Sis its GRAU designation.

SPION Peony A Soviet self-propelled gun on a tracked chassis with a gun calibre of 203. SPion est un obusier lourd est entré en service autopropulsé à la fin des soixante-dix armée soviétique. T-tankının şassisi üzərində yaradılıb, əsas silahı üzərində qurulmuş 2mm-lik 2Atopudur. Lengda på løpet er 5gonger kaliberet, og er dermed kanon, ikkje haubits.

Han heitte SO-2i sovjetisk teneste. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Dělo je vybaveno automatickým nabíjecím zařízením, nabíjí při všech úhlech náměru, rychlost střelby činí až rány za minutu.

Driving compartment is in the front section and engine-transmission compartment is right.

On the instructions of the new weapon was easily destroy concrete, reinforced concrete and earthworks, destroy the long-range artillery, installation of tactical missiles and other means of delivery of nuclear warheads. Available in various 3D formats. It is the most powerful conventional artillery system in the world. Mã định danh của GRAU là 2S.

With a crew of the 2Scarryes shells ready for immedeatly use. SPion je sovjetski samohodni topnički sustav. It was originally manufactured in the USSR and was one of sold to Czechoslovakia. This vehicle is in its original paint.

See more ideas about Military vehicles, Self propelled artillery and Military. Standard equipment includes an NBC system of the overpressure. SPION Pivoňka Sovětské samohybné dělo na pásovém podvozku s velikostí ráže kanónu 20mm. Dostřel se speciálními raketovými náboji dosahoval 50km až 60km, při použití běžné munice 35km. Sbyła przeznaczona dla pułków artylerii ciężkiej znajdujących się na szczeblu frontu.

Została skonstruowana na początku lat XX w. Barykady (armata) i Leningradzkie Zakłady im. Spada med najmočnejša orožja takšnega razreda na svetu.

Skupna masa orožja lahko doseže tudi ton, tretjino tega pa predstavlja zgolj top 2A4 ki je dolg metrov. S(рос. 2C7(M)) Pion (Malka) Soviet self-propelled 203mm heavy artillery.

Has a fire control system that provides a strike zone. Ammunition - shells on board and in the barrel. When it is spawne please attach the outer shells to their connectors if you want more than. There's a variety of nuclear shell calibers.

One stop online shop for gaming miniatures ranging from 3mm to 28mm. The maximum range is 850m. Nga cũng như nhiều quốc gia SNG khác.

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