úterý 16. ledna 2018

Ps na kw

The SI derived unit for power is the watt. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the. Na stránce výrobku jsou např. Zadejte buď kW , hp, nebo PS a automaticky se provede převod a výpočet se objeví v ostatních políčkách.

The information in the table below provides a method of converting power from other units to watts. Nejčastěji používaným násobkem je kilowatt ( kW ).

Koňská síla (hp nebo HP, z anglického horsepower) je starší jednotkou pro výkon. Zavedl ji James Watt, když chtěl na konci 18. Technically, this form of measurement is the most uniform method of measuring power and is used by every engineer worldwide. Watts are an SI unit (International System).

Or, in less technical terms, how much ‘work’ it can do. As a rule of thumb, the higher the horsepower, the faster a car can ultimately go. Power also affects acceleration. Wh to watts calculator.

Kilowatt-hour (kWh) Electrical calculation.

Najprościej tłumacząc, jest to moc uzyskana na hamowni (bez oporów toczenia, strat na wale, z reguły bez osprzętu, itp.). V našich končinách sa môžeme často stretnúť aj s nemeckým označením PS (Pferd Stark), ale aj s našim označením malým písmenom k. Again, as a rule of thumb, the higher the horsepower, the. Prepočet medzi týmito jednotkami je daný konštantou: kW = 1. How many kilowatts in horsepower: If P HP = then. Note: Horsepower is an imperial or United States customary unit of power. Convert kW to kVA, kVA to kW , voltage, kW to HP, and more to assist with generator sizing and electrical specifications required for your genset.

Energy and work unit conversion between newton meter and kilowatt-secon kilowatt-second to newton meter conversion in batch, N. Help with PS Classic and associated accessories. Kilovatov za Konjskih moči. W = HP Pro příklad si můžeme uvést SEAT Leon ST.

Ten nabízí výkon 1kW. Pokud tedy vynásobíme 1hodnotou 3 získáme deklarovaných 1koní. Things that generate power Items of equipment like boilers, electricity generators, and wind turbines, take energy in one form (e.g. gas or oil or wind) and turn it into another (e.g. heat or electricity). I když je dnes vytlačena jednotkou SI watt, stále se používá pro označení výkonu automobilových a motocyklových motorů. A spectacular reimagining of one of the most visionary games ever, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.

Inne, stosowane w zachodniej Europie oznaczenie konia mechanicznego to PS , z niemieckiego Pferdestärke. Niezwykle rzadko używa się skrótu hpm, czyli horsepower metric.

Definition: The unit horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). Mechanical horsepower, also known as imperial horsepower, is defined as approximately 745. This calculator provides conversion of metric horsepowers to kilowatts and backwards ( kW to hp). Metric horsepower is exactly defined as 0. W ( kilowatts ), that is roughly 98.

US mechanical horsepower. L (8cc) DOHC engine. Based on the Single Point Fuel Injection system, it was installed on JDM cars and some UK versions. This model used some cast iron blocks and it was used on the Pgeneration Nissan Primera, but due to the low.

Definition: A kilowatt (symbol: kw ) is a unit of power in the International System of Units (SI). The base unit of the kilowatt is the watt , which was named after Scottish inventor James Watt. As is consistent with SI units, the prefix kilo- means that a. Konjska snaga je naziv za više starih mjernih jedinica za snagu izvan sustava SI.

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